How it works
Architects, plumbers, windows installers, masons – many specialists in various fields registered in our catalog

Select what you like
Now information about specialists and their contacts are collected in the “Catalog” of We form the largest catalog of craftsmen for the repair and construction of housing, as well as auto repair, home appliances and personal services. We want to help you find the right people and with the help of the rating masters, make your choice as fast as possible, transparent and simple.
View the Work Catalog
For the convenience of finding the right specialist in the "Catalog" created specific thematic categories. Select the required "Category" and "City".
See the projects of the Performers and choose the best. Top rated professionals are at the top of the list.
Ремонтные работы
Результаты (686)

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Liked the work of a particular specialist or company?
Click the "Contact a master" button and get his contacts absolutely free!
The customer chooses the contractor. He himself chooses a reliable performer by rating, photos of projects, reviews.
To discuss the conditions of work, the Customer contacts the contractor, and not with a call center.
Get free contact masters
Using the services of the wizard, you can leave feedback about the work done by him.
Leave feedback and evaluate the quality of the wizard in a special window "Leave assessment to the master."
Profiles of performers who have scored a greater number of stars and reviews are highlighted on the site with the “Recommended” icon.

We collect information (photos, contacts) about all artists and monitor its relevance and authenticity.
In the profile of the masters only real photos! Go to the desired section, select your city and find a master by the photos of his works.
Useful Blog
TheBlog publishes news system and auto markets, articles, reviews, interviews with experts, news and promotions, - all that is interesting to consumers.

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